Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sayounara,Li Ting

Hahahaha, my goodness after i typed the title i realize how emo it sounds! But it's the second last day that Li Ting is working here, because she has to report to school this thursday after the release of her posting tommorrow! So we're treating her (or rather we're taking money from all the accumulated fines haha) to dinner today! =D Bye! We'll miss you!! *inserts dramatic farewell scene,sob sniff sniffle* ;(

Hahaha ok drama aside, today everyone was nearly on time! Wow! I can barely remember the last time we did that... So we went down, and Li Ting led us through the song 将一声交给你 first, followed by going through 2 Timothy 4:1-8, where verses 1-5 were about a charge, a call to keep serving and doing good works in the name of the Lord, verses 6-8 are about persevering on till the end and completing the race that was set before us when we first believed. She split this passage into the two chunks as mentioned above.

For verses 1-5, we discussed what it means to be ready in season, and out of season, which means that irregardless of whether the timing is conviennient or not, we still have to continue edifying, counseling, and teaching. A modern day context would be in season being Christmas and Easter, while out of season would be exam periods and the like. We continued to go through another question, whether we had ever felt like not serving or not fulfilling our ministry at all. Of course we had! and so everyone took their turns to share about the times that they were called to serve, but didn't do so, or didn't want to because of other commitments.
For verses 6-8 there wasn't much discussion cause the passage was more of a definitive statement rather than an open-ended which could generate much talk. But Li Ting asked an interesting, albeit loaded, question, whether we would be ready to say that if we fought the good fight, if we were to die right now? Her point was to make us think about the race of faith, about the charge Paul gave to Timothy in his last days, that we would continue to run towards the goal. Li Ting also made another interesting point, that we were not charged to WIN, but to COMPLETE, and i think that is a very important distinction to make because at the end of the day, while we all receive a crown signifying a winner, this crown is only possible because of God's grace, and so this ties back in to the fact that it is by grace alone and not works that we are called to this faith. So yep, that's it for devotion, thanks Li Ting! This would be your last time leading right heh ><

After that, we went down to attend jiao mu meeting, shou juan lao shi bought kueh lapis cakes for us and the rest of the jiao mus! Thank you! =D as usual there were quite a lot of things to talk about regarding our church, and we interns were kinda blur regarding those issues haha. Half an hour to 45 mins later, we went back up to do our own stuff, me, Jia Xi, and Rachel were doing homework, Li Ting helping us do the stats thing, and Porlin was doing the brochure for newcomers!

 We ordered pizza for lunch! Cause it was raining haha, and we didn't feel like going out, plus there's that novel experience of ordering food! -.- Hawaiian and cheezy sausage ftw!

 Haha group zipai shot!

So after lunch, i went out to buy a packet of chicken rice for Rachel! Cause i ate an extra piece that she was supposed to have oooooooooops >< but after that we continued our work Work work work, until 6 plus, and we went for farewell dinner! Held at Chanpon in honour of Li Ting =D You've never heard of the place before right? Don't worry,neither have I! xD

 This was taken when we were bored and waiting for food, chopsticks triple threat!

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 Me trying to act cute and prove that i can hold chopsticks well =D

Of course, which meal would be complete without a hearty serving of chatter (gossip)! And so after eating we (or rather the girls) continued talking, over non-stop cups of tea, about all sorts of things that would um, put lian he wan bao out of business if they were ever leaked! So don't ask me anything hahahaha xD

Anw so yup, we chatted until 9 plus, and went home for the next day!


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