Friday, January 14, 2011

What A Happening Day!!

Todays really a happening day! LOTS of stuff for us to do!

In the morning, i was early as usual while Rachel and Li Ting were just on time (lucky!).. Tim was late and has to pay 5 dollars while Stephen was SUPER late and has to pay 13 dollars! (Ouch! for your pocket).. We then have morning devotion (without Pr. Gideon because he has lessons) led by Li Ting who was also the pianist.. Well done Li Ting! We read Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21.. We were reminded that we should not do good deeds for the compliments or earthly rewards but for the glory of God (Mat 5:16).. The good deeds we do publicly should be non-intentional and we should do intentional good deeds secretly.. Just for our Father in heaven to see and not others.. Li Ting asked us why do we still do good deeds publicly even though we know that we should not since the treasures on earth can be destroyed and stolen but not those treasures in heaven.. Its because we are tempted by the material rewards such as praises from others and we cannot see the rewards in heavens.. All of us had incidents where we did things for earthly rewards so we all agreed we need to learn to do good deeds secretly.. We should accumulate our treasures in heaven not on the earth... Yup and Tim ended us with a prayer.. Since we never had photos of morning devotions before, here you go:

Li Ting on the piano!
Rachel acting cute with the lyrics of 放下
Li Ting sharing..
After morning devotion, we went back to our 'office'.. Shou Juan Lao Shi and Yu Zhu Lao Shi asked us for help.. Li Ting and Stephen helped with putting stamps on envelopes for Chinese New Years cards, i was sealing the envelopes while Rachel and Timothy helped with some filings.. After that, we began our discussion about 祷告会.. As you all know each of us have a personal project, 祷告会 is our shared project.. We brainstormed the problems and solutions of 祷告会 on the whiteboard.. Shou Juan Lao Shi lent us markers and duster that can stick on the whiteboard.. Cool rite? Want to see what we discussed? haha! here you go: 

Brainstorming!! (translated by li ting)
Whiteboard with the cool duster cum markers!
祷告会报告for 刘牧师 

After we finished discussing, Yu Zhu asked us to be folding machines.. Haha.. First we folded 次序单 for 祷告会 then for Sunday 大堂.. Then about 4 plus (after lunch) we also folded 次序单 for 青年崇拜..

Yu Zhu Lao Shi asking us for help..
Folding 次序单
Me with completed folded 次序单
After that, Pr Gideon finally came back and we went for lunch (even though he ate already).. We had lunch with Yu Zhu Lao Shi, Shou Juan Lao Shi and Kai De at Pomo (Paradise)... Most of us had rice with 料 while Rachel ate Mee Siam and Pr Gideon ate Cai Bing and sweet potato dessert.. The girls were amused by the CUTE COPYCAT (lolz!).. We then had fun waving and talking to each other through the LARGE mirrors... Wanna see it too? Here you go..

Left to right: Bottom: Me taking photo, Li Ting, Rachel, Tim, Stephen
Top: Shou Juan Lao Shi, Kai De, Yu Zhu Lao Shi, Pr Gideon

After lunch, we went to Uncle Yan Chun's office to take some stuffs.. Quite cool because it was our first time there.. We then went back church while jumping in the raining.. Haha.. We must be crazy.. lolz.. 
Stairs up the New Heart office..
We're singing under the rain!

Singing under the rain again!
When we went back to church, we had a mini lecture about the relationship between Old Testament and New Testament by Pr Gideon... Its SUPER long so i cannot type out everything so this is the main gist..

Bible is a whole Redemptive history not only Old Testament and New Testament.. Old Testament is the foundation.. Without OT, we will not know about the Messiah and without NT, the bible will just be a cruel story.. Pr. Gideon talked about the progressive nature of the bible (seed to bud to blossom).. He gave us an example.. We read Psalms 8 and saw the exultation of man (bud form).. We are just slightly lower than angels and we were made rulers of the world under God as seen in the creation ordinance below:


We then flipped to Hebrews 2 which took the exact idea of Psalms 8, enlarging the view of Old Testament.. The idea of humans being a little lower than heavenly beings in Psalms 8 was in contrast to Jesus when he was made lower than angels because he came down to save us, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross! (Philipians 2:7-8).. 
Exuitation of man ----> Humiliation of Christ (a richer meaning of Psalms 8 through Hebrews 2) as shown in the order below:

Creation (humans also) --> already but not yet (we are already under his rule but some people don't accept it)

Kingdom of God: 1. Conferring a holy realm 2. Unto a holy nation 3. By a holy representative (prophets/priests/kings)
Adam is responsible to tell/remind his wife but he failed as holy representative
Kingdom created (Adam is the son of God)--> Kindom promised (Gen 3:15)--> Israel (son of God)--> God continues to show his redemptive plan (promises,types of reps,sacrifices)
Prophets (Samuel), Priests (Aaron), Kings (David) all screwed up. 
The exile of Israel out of Cannan is the typicalogical recapitulation of Adam's exile out of Garden of Eden (sin against god and was cast out of holy land)

Kingdom has finally come (Jesus Christ is our holy representative) --> kingdom consumated (WE become son and daughters of God). Jesus Christ becomes the center piece of all things and he is the 2nd Adam (tempted too but he overcomed sins).

Pr. Gideon's mini lecture
Phew.. Finally finished writing.. Haha.. Ok.. After the lecture,vwe began doing our own work.. Rachel with her noticeboard stuff, Li Ting doing hw, Stephen doing hw, Tim wih his beach evangelism stuffs while me writing this blog.. Haha.. After this we have 祷告会 so bye for now!! Oh and heres the diagram Pr Gideon drew on the board..


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